Coaching Healthcare Professionals

to defeat stress & burnout
and discover a life of

BOTH success AND happiness!



Now Accepting Registrations for 7-Week Mental Fitness Cohorts! 

Choose your Cohort:
Sundays, starting Sept. 12 at 7pm CST
Mondays, starting Sept. 13th at 12pm CST
Mondays, starting Sept. 13th at 7pm CST
Deadline to Register: Sept. 7th

The Other Side of Gray exists to provide a space for Healthcare Professionals to wrestle with the issues of being in healthcare, how to create a better work/life balance and how to achieve both success and happiness, living with passion, purpose and peace. 

You will be amazed at the answers and the confidence, clarity and direction that you find within yourself!

Our flagship course is a 7-week Mental Fitness Bootcamp from Positive Intelligence. This powerful program will help you win the battle of your mind so that frustration, self-doubt, anxiety, disappointment and stress will no longer drive your decisions and emotions. Instead, you will learn to live from a place of empathy, curiosity, laser-focus and peace. Mental Fitness will positively impact: Performance, Achievement and Success, Happiness, Wellness and Peace of Mind, and Relationships at work and home.

     “Strengthen your mind and your life will follow.”  ~Perry Ashley

The Rehab Professional's Struggle Is Real

and I understand

Can you relate?

You’ve invested your time & finances into years of study

You expected to have a steady, long-term career

You anticipated providing high-quality service with your clinical expertise

BUT the industry changed

AND you’ve found yourself…

  • Feeling the weight of unrealistic expectations
  • Disillusioned and no longer in love with your career
  • Feeling stuck, perhaps trapped due to student loans
  • Overwhelmed due to ever-changing insurance reimbursements & regulations
  • Frustrated due to focus on documentation over care
  • Bewildered & unsure of your next best step 
  • Simply burned out
burned out stressed out OTs PTs SLPs

You Do Not Have to Stay
Stressed Out & Burned Out

coaching burned out or stressed out OTs PTs, SLPS



What if you partnered with a coach to…

Be heard and understood

Lead you through self-awareness

Wrestle through ideas and find clarity

Help you strengthen your mental fitness

Help you embrace your values, strengths, gifts and passions

Help you take control and ownership
Promote life balance
Live intentionally

Live in alignment with who God created you to be

What if you partnered with a coach…
Who has been in the healthcare, 
who has been a business owner, 
who has been through the gray of a career.
A coach who is equipped to help you create a plan, overcome obstacles and encourage you to take action steps to reach your goals
…A coach who would hold you accountable & cheer you on!

Imagine the Possibilities of Living a 3P Life...
a life of purpose, passion, and peace.




   Energized by Career




   Work/Life Balance

   Joy & Peace


Invest in Yourself


“Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in  a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.”

Sir Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion

Coaching is a short term investment with the potential for exponential gain.
Newton’s law is true with people, too.
If you continue to do what you’ve been doing, you will continue to get the same results. If you are stuck and not moving forward, you will remain that way. You will…
● Remain stuck, living without direction and passion
● Remain stuck, living without greater purpose
● Remain in the muck and mire of not living how God created you
But if you put time and energy into your personal growth, you will obtain the energy to move forward and that energy will help you move even further. I challenge you to invest in yourself so you can reignite your passion in your job again. Make the most out of life. Live with no regrets.
Are you ready?

Take Your Next Steps

1. Book your Discovery Session

2. Enroll in The 3P Life Coaching Membership

3. Live with Passion, Purpose & Peace

Focus Areas

Self Awareness

burned out stressed out OTs PTs SLPs
Life satisfaction
Strengths and talents
Spiritual gifts
Life balance


burned out stressed out OTs PTs SLPs
Internal dialogue
Limiting beliefs
External impositions
Mindset shift


burned out stressed out OTs PTs SLPs
Internal peace


Your path to renewal

What Mental Fitness Participants are reporting:

    • Increased focus at work & home
    • Decreased stress & anxiety
    • Improved productivity/efficiency
    • Decreased judging of self, others & circumstances
    • Increased positivity and adaptability
    • Improved creativity in treatment plans
    • Increased confidence
    • Improved relationships
    • Improved self-awareness  
    • Strategies to combat negative thoughts and emotions
    • Increased overall happiness at work & home
    • Renewed passion for job

Strengthen your mind, and
your LIFE will follow!

New cohorts for the Mental Fitness Program starting September 12 and 13th!

Seats are limited. Save your spot today.

What Clients Are Saying

"Amazing experience! I’m so thankful that Perry coached me! I’m in a stage of life that was quickly becoming frustrating and uncomfortable. I was finding opportunities to keep me busy, but unknowingly putting my most important values at the bottom of the list. Perry helped me realize my values, strengths and spiritual gifts and now I am embracing the opportunities and responsibilities of my day.

My stress level and personal guilt has decreased tremendously, thanks to her coaching. Perry kept me on task with weekly coaching appointments and challenges that carried through the week ahead. I know I am on the right path, for this season, of my life and I have the tools to confidently embrace the next seasons too!"
Lisa Dvorachek
Omro, WI
"I must say that this experience has been eye opening. I am not sure what I expected, but it has exceeded all my expectation. The self awareness I have discovered has made me bolder and more confident. I have learned to encourage myself as well as give encouragement.

Overall, coaching has opened the door to self-awareness and has limited my weaknesses.

I'm now less fearful and feel bolder.

I encourage everyone to invest in coaching. It's been the best thing since sliced bread!"
D. Mims
"Working with Perry as a life coach has been an inspiring experience. I wasn’t really sure what to expect when I signed up. The process she uses walks you through learning about your strengths and weaknesses, helps you explore your spiritual gifts and gets you thinking about what you want your life to look like now and in the future.

I felt like I was being listened to first and foremost. Suggestions and challenges were all based on what I said, making it a very personal experience. If you are wrestling with a decision, need a different perspective or not sure what you future looks like I recommend you give life coaching with Perry a try."
Stephanie Rogers
Oshkosh, WI

About Your Coach

Perry Ashley, PT, CPQC, CLBC is a Career, Mindset & Life Coach for healthcare professionals and is the founder of The Other Side of Gray.
Perry’s passion is to help healthcare professionals to become the best version of themselves through embracing how they are uniquely wired and improving mental fitness, so they can rediscover their passion, purpose, and peace in their career and personal life. This, in turn, will have maximum impact as it has a ripple effect, thus promoting the wellness of rehab patients, families, and professions as a whole.
Healthcare is changing, and so many talented professionals are burned out and overwhelmed by the demands and changes. Some may need to rediscover their passion & joy in their current setting, while others may need to shift to another setting or a non-clinical position, while still others may find their joy & peace outside a healthcare career. Perry believes each person has the answer within themselves. She simply helps you draw out that answer.
But to be able to discern the next best step, you need to take time to pause, dig deep into self-awareness (strengths, talents, values, work/life balance, personality, etc.) as well as boost your mental fitness skills. After all, your PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient) is the best determining factor of achievement AND happiness. Once this process is complete, you will be more confident in what your next best step is. 
She sees that no matter what circumstance we find ourselves, self-awareness and mental fitness are the keys to reliving our dreams. Once we discover our passion, purpose, and peace, our patients, and our profession as a whole will benefit from that energy. 
Having gone through several major life changes, she understands how a healthcare professional can feel lost (whether in identity, purpose, or direction), but also understands how to get through their circumstances and to live an intentional and impactful life again.
Ultimately, Perry’s heart is to serve fellow professionals by giving them the tools and resources to find the best next step for their career and personal life. 
Perry earned her physical therapy degree from UNC-Chapel Hill and has been a licensed PT for 26 years. Since graduation, she has worked in various areas of the field, owned her own PT business, received her ECHM & CAPS designations, and has become a Certified Positive Intelligence (PQ) Coach and Certified Life Breakthrough Coach. Although a Tarheel at heart, Perry currently resides in Wisconsin with her husband and children and continues to homeschool her youngest. She not only enjoys reading and discovering new truths, she likes serving in her church and other mission work and seeks respite in the outdoors by camping, boating, backpacking, and participating in wilderness adventures. 
burned out stressed out OTs PTs SLPs

Member of Life Coach Network